An Act Concerning the Use of Force and Pursuits by Police & Increasing Police Accountability and Transparency.
13.15.11, Body-Worn Camera Policy
Public Act 19-90
Status of State Police BWC Program
As of June 10, 2020, the State Police have issued 678 body-worn cameras to our personnel. All patrol troopers and patrol sergeants are equipped with them. As we acquire additional funding, we will be working to equip our Traffic Services Unit (who currently only have cruiser mounted cameras) and other specialized units. Our ultimate goal is to equip all troopers, regardless of rank or assignment, with body worn cameras.
Why Doesn't Every Law Enforcement Officer Have a Body-Worn Camera?
Body-Worn Camera
While the Body-Worn Camera (BWC) program and the use of dashboard camera systems is being implemented by more and more agencies throughout Connecticut, there are still obstacles to outfitting every police officer at every agency with them. Testing the use and reliability of different products, selecting a vendor to supply the cameras and receiving funding to purchase the cameras themselves can delay the implementation of these systems. Departments also need to receive funding for the software and digital storage required to operate these systems.
The cost to a municipality for cameras and storage can quickly exceed $1 million. Both large and small agencies throughout our state have implemented BWC programs. Public Act 17-225 set in place a procedure for police agencies to receive reimbursement via grants. This reimbursement grant program is being facilitated by the Office of Policy and Management. For a complete list of Connecticut Police Departments with pending/approved applications for reimbursement click here.