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Troopers. Meriden Police Investigate Report of Violent Assault at Meriden Train Station

On 09/11/2024, at approximately 9:20 p.m., Meriden Police Department notified Troop I in Bethany that an adult female had walked into their lobby to report an alleged assault that occurred earlier that evening at the Meriden Train Station.

EMS personnel on-scene at the Meriden Police Department advised responding Troopers that the female complainant would be transported to an area hospital due to non-life-threatening injuries.

While at the hospital, the complainant explained that on 09/11/2024, at approximately 8:15 p.m., she was in front of the eastern side of the Meriden Train Station when a heavy-set male, who she did not know, walked up to her and grabbed her from behind. According to the complainant, the male threw her to the ground and began choking her. Additionally, the complainant explained that she tried to escape from the male but was pinned down by the male’s bodyweight and began to lose consciousness. The complainant provided the investigating Trooper with a limited description of the clothing worn by the accused male and further explained that when she regained consciousness, she located an individual who began to assist her and drove her to her residence, where family members encouraged her to report the incident to police.

At approximately 10:47 p.m., Troopers responded to the train station in an attempt to locate the accused male. While at the train station, Troopers observed that there were security cameras in the area where the alleged incident was reported to have occurred.

After gaining access to security footage from the train station, investigators reviewed the available footage, focusing on the timeframe reported by the complainant and identified footage corroborating the complainant’s account of the incident. The video also depicted the accused male fleeing from the area shortly after physically separating from the complainant. Upon learning this information, Meriden Police were provided with a detailed description of the accused male and the video footage depicting the alleged assault was subsequently seized as evidence in this investigation.

Troopers and Meriden Officers continued searching for the accused male in the area surrounding the train station. At approximately 12:39 a.m., Meriden Police advised Troop I that they had located and detained an individual consistent in appearance with the accused male.

Troopers observed that the detained male had changed his shirt but was wearing the same pants and shoes that were depicted in the video footage of the alleged incident. The detained male was positively identified by his Connecticut Identification card as Curtis Demond Hemmingway, DOB 11/26/1986, of Meriden.

Based upon the information obtained and evidence observed during the investigation, Hemmingway was placed under arrest and transported to Troop I, where he was processed and charged with the following violations:

C.G.S. 53a-49/53a-54a, Criminal Attempt/Murder

C.G.S. 53a-49 Reckless Endangerment in the First Degree

C.G.S. 53a-64bb, Strangulation in the Second Degree

C.G.S. 53a-181, Breach of Peace in the Second Degree

Hemmingway was held on a $150,000 cash/surety bond and transferred to the custody of the New Haven Correctional Center pending his scheduled arraignment at Meriden Superior Court on 09/13/2024.

The female victim was treated at a local hospital and released.

This appears to be isolated incident and there is no threat to the public.


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