State Police CEW (Taser) Program
The Taser X-26 and Taser X2 models are the issued approved department CEW devices. The Taser X-26 is no longer produced and the agency will be transitioning to the Taser X2 over time.
The use of the CEW is authorized in situations where the subject is actively resisting a Trooper's/Police Officer's efforts to gain control of the incident, or imminently likely to do so, and where deployment of the CEW is reasonably likely to minimize the possibility of injury to the subject, all Troopers and Police Officers involved, and/or other members of the public. The Threat Assessment and Response Management Matrix should be the guide by which Troopers and Police Officers respond to the resistance and/or aggression of all subjects. The concept of "objective reasonableness" applies in all instances where the subject's behavior requires Troopers and Police Officers to use force to gain control of the individual.
In instances when a CEW is deployed only to the extent that it is utilized in the arc mode as a warning and/or the illumination of the laser sight onto the subject, and no physical force was used in accordance with DESPP Policy, the incident shall still be reported on the Response to Resistance or Aggression/Injury or Complaint of Injury to Prisoner
Not every State Trooper is issued a CEW as part of their assigned equipment. Starting in 2008, recruits began training with the CEW, but they were not issued one at graduation. Effective in 2010, with the graduation of the 121st Training Troop, recruits were issued the device prior to graduation. Currently, and throughout the history of issuing CEWs, the Office of Field Operations allocated CEWs to Troops and Units when they were available for purchase. The 2019 Annual Use of Force Report states that the Training Academy had recorded 720 CEWs being issued to Troopers.